Protect Your Employees From Costly Emergency Bills

Business owners and benefit managers should ensure that employees are covered for transportation expenses during medical emergencies. Unfortunately, many health insurance plans could potentially feature gaps when it comes to emergency transportation coverage.

Ambulance Costs


Ground Ambulance

- MASA claims data compiled Jan. 2024


Air Ambulance

- MASA claims data compiled Jan. 2024

Grandchild and great-grandchild protection icon

51.3 million

emergency responses occur each year

- NEMSIS, National EMS Data Report, 2023

86% of ground ambulances

could result in an out-of-network bill for the privately insured

- Consumer Reports

Travel advisor icon

60% of Americans

have to borrow just to cover a $1,000 health expense

- Bankrate, February 2023

See how employers and members value MASA

Why Are Some Emergency
Transport Claims Denied?

  • Your health insurance gets to decide if the trip was “medically-necessary.”
  • There are over 27,000 ambulance companies operating in the United States and health insurance may only cover a limited number of in-network providers.
  • Even if the trip is deemed medically necessary and the provider is in-network, health insurance may only pay a set amount based on the “Usual, Customary and Reasonable Rate.”
  • UCR billing is just one of many ways people may end up with a balance bill, not even mentioning the copays and deductibles you may be responsible for.

IBIS World, Ambulance Services Industry in the US – Market Research Report

Learn More

Overwhelmed by medical bills

Get Comprehensive Coverage and Complete Peace of Mind

MASA takes your emergency transportation bills and leaves you with complete peace of mind. Think of us like your personal team of financial defenders, protecting you from potential out-of-pocket expenses due to emergency transportation.


3 Flexible Ways to
Build MASA
Into Your
Employees' Benefit Plans

  1. Provide coverage for your employees.
  2. Share the cost with your employees.
  3. Offer coverage for your employees to purchase.


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See What Employees
Are Saying About MASA MTS